Semicon West concludes this week in San Francisco. As the leading global trade show for semiconductor equipment manufacturers SEMI companies enable the consumer, entertainment and broadcast industries. I noted this phenomenon in a previous music festival blog entry from 2015, A Photonic Finish to the Year of Light 2015. [1] As you view the 2022 music festival’s video link note the program time line at 3 minutes. With 4K resolution you can see small flashes of light emanating from within the crowd. Closer examination reveals the flashes to be multiple cell phone camera screens echoing light captured from the powerful strobes on the sound stage. I was amazed to note the resolution and sensitivity of imaging technology now available to consumers. Pretty cool. At 51:50 into the show an amazing laser display erupts (curious timing).
The Ultra Music Festival is an international event with attendees from all over the world. Traditionally the festival returns to Miami every year in March. The representative audience surrounding the stage is typically replete with flags from many nations. David Guetta is from France and the tricolor is prominently displayed up front. This year our Ukrainian friends are recognized by large near-by buildings highlighted with blue and yellow light.
The 2022 Ultra Music Festival signals a return to post Covid normalcy. Viewing the video you’ll note that no one is wearing a Covid mask. In free Florida masks are optional. It’s heartening to once again see thousands of smiling faces having a great time. There were no demonstrations, violence or discouraging distractions, just one big celebration of music and unity the way the world is supposed to be.
I hope everyone had a successful week at Semicon West. Welcome home. Prop your feet up and enjoy David Guetta’s Ultra Music Festival performance. For best viewing you’ll need a large 4K display and surround sound headphones good for 20 Hz. I encourage you to sing along. It’s a fun concert. If you search you can find several YouTube links to other artists appearing at the festival.
Be safe everyone. Enjoy the show and have a great weekend!
Link to David Guetta at the Ultra Music Festival 2022. [2] (brief foul language comments).
Regards to all,
Thomas D. Jay
Semiconductor Industry Consultant
TDJ Technology
Thomas D. Jay YouTube Channel

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References and acknowledgements:
[1] Thomas D. Jay, Blog Article
[2] YouTube, David Guetta, UMF TV