Seek Informed Insight
Rather than dwell on conjecture, a calmer voice in the storm was heard today. Ginny Rometti, IBM Chairman and CEO was interviewed on CNBC business news this morning and provided a more optimistic perspective. In spite of current economic volatility, IBM’s employee pension fund remains economically sound and it was reported the corporation is well positioned for the challenges ahead. IBM is also a valuable asset in combating the Corona virus. In addition to Watson’s advanced medical diagnostics, IBM is providing data clearing house resources intended to facilitate the coordination of Corona virus analytics on a global level. IBM is one example. Many corporations contribute to the stability of our economy and are similarly active in the global fight against the Corona virus.
Keep an Eye on Personal Finance
Financial concerns still abound. Many have recently lost money in the stock market. Before you panic and sell at a loss, consult your financial advisor or broker (I am neither). If your stock’s price has plunged, you might want to hold on and consider purchasing additional shares at a lower price. The new average share price will be much lower. When stock market prices rise again (they do eventually) you’ll be better positioned to recover. Using this technique I’ve reduced the average price of my stock holdings by over $5.00 per share. Consult your financial advisor to discuss tactics you might utilize to mitigate any loss.
Stay Current on Corona Virus Updates
As I type this post, I’m listening to President Trump on Fox News. President Trump and his team are doing an excellent job of managing a complex economy encumbered by a global health emergency. Stay informed and follow health guidelines provided by medical professionals. What ever your persuasion, put politics aside. Let’s work together to make a better world.
Speaking globally, our Korean friends seem to be doing better than most in containing the Corona virus. Kudos to team Korea in this difficult time.
Stay Upbeat
As we all self isolate (sounds ominous) take frequent breaks and keep your spirit up. As I consider the American right to the pursuit of happiness I’m reminded of a popular Korean song (globalism I suppose). I ‘ll leave you with a link to Red Velvet’s “Happiness” music video.
Be safe everyone.
Regards to all,
Thomas D. Jay
Semiconductor Industry Consultant
Thomas D. Jay YouTube Channel

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References and acknowledgements:
[1] CNBC business news 3/19/2020, guest commentator Ginny Rometti, Chairman and CEO, IBM.
[2] "Happiness" Red Velvet music video, YouTube